How did i fall in love with you~bsb
hehe...hi semua..i'm back for a few days for this raya aidiladhar..
hoho...aku na crite kesah kepulangan ku..hik3..
sungguh la byak dugaan ku..aiyarkk...
Suatu pagi budak bernama iqin dpt brite dr sahabatnye..
"wei zack...ko kne g tukar tiket kat one stop skunk.."
"ouh..ok..ko balik kul bpe??"
"aku balik kul 5.."
"ok..thx wei..bye"
"gosh!!! tiket aku kul 9 doe~
Bengang tol laen balim ptg aku balik mlm...sob3
Maka duduk la dye sorg2 kat bilik uhh..
mnjadi penunggu yg setia~
Tepat kul 8 mlm dye turun dr asrama theng ke bus stop~
haiyaaaa...xde org!!..lam gelap...sorg!!
x jauh dr tu..ade 3 or 4 org jahat...yg duduk nyanyi2..smoke..
maka mnangis la iqin sorg diri..
dalam aty nye berkate..bek aku kol angel aku~
"woi!!!...waaaaaaaaaaaaa...wei aku takot..sob3"
"asl ney wei...aku na mkn ney..hahaha"
"aku takot...aku duk sorg2 nie..sob3..bla..blaa..bla.."
alangkah mangkuk nye dye..bukan na tlg aku solve an pblem..hailaaa...
mase brlalu~
muncuk seorang pak cik misteri~
"dik...adek an g mn ney..asl sorg2 je..x ley duk cnie sorg2 mlm2 nie..bahaye.."
"sy nak tnggu bas pak x smpai2 agy..tiket kul 9..hailaaa"
"ooo..tkpe2 bia pak cik teman kamu k.."
"mekasih pak cik"
muncul la 2 org lelaki yg x d kenal pasti diri mrk...
"woi..korg nie nak balik mn??"
kate pak cik tersebut..
"kitorg na balik KT la"
"ngeee~ pak cik KT tu trg la.."
"ooo..ok2..haaa...bdqak pompuan ney pown na balik trg gakkk korg jage dye tau...jgn tnggal dye
bhaye ney.."
"ok pak cik"
maka dipendek an crite brkenalan la iqin ngan slh seorg dr budak brdua tu..
setahu aku budak tu org marang...nme nye zharif!!
muke dye sebijik cm org yg aku sayang!!!!
x sngke!!!!....even bnyak dugaan aku...Allah temukan aku ngan org yg seiras ngan org yg aku rindu gile!!!.....Alhamdulillah~..nak tau pe jd sterusnye..tngguuuuuu~
Khamis, 26 November 2009
::i'm back::
Sabtu, 21 November 2009
Cameron Highlands
Hello world.
I'm posting from Cameron Highlands.
Di sini sungguh sejuk.
Maybe sebab asyik hujan je kot.Huhu.
Fira is getting better.
Semakin belajar untuk menghargai kehidupan.
Walaupun sangat rindu kepada...
Orang2 yg disygi, yg masih disygi dan pernah disygi.*haha*
I am not rich to buy my past kan?
So, they are memories.
Yang menjadikan diri ini lebih mengerti...
makna kehidupan dan erti persahabatan.
Goin to KL tomorrow.
[Why should everything reminds me of DEA?Benci btol!Wateva.]
Life must go on! Chaiyok2!
Btw, i miss My Angel so much laa...
"Wey, msg ak x boleh ka? haha"
Blk umah je bz gle, mcm YB je dea tu.Haha
I'll upload my pics in Cameron later.
Wanna read my 'New Moon'.Goodbye blog :)
Current song : Lagu ape ntah from Lobby Heritage Hotel
Jumaat, 20 November 2009
Fira mampu tersenyum lagi.
Macam x percaya.
I thought i wont smile again.
Tak sangka my result sgt menggembirakan.
Walaupun x la sebyk org laen yg lagi byk tu.
Tapi mampu buat ak tersenyum skali lagi.
Semakin tenang sekarang.
For the first time, I can sleep well tonite..
Btul laa..
Setiap kejadian ade hikmahnya.
Everything happens for a reason.
Tuhan berikan kesedihan, ujian dan cabaran...
Tapi Dia gantikan dengan sesuatu yg lebih bermakna..
Untuk yg selalu support aku,
Terima kasih korang.
Luv u all damn much!!
Family : Terima kasih kerana memahami diri ini.
Iqin - Thx 4 da advice and ur support :) ily.
Azrai - Thx 4 ur support, everyday everytime :D
Zharif - U're my inspiration :]
My angels: Nad, Ainul, Lela - Thx 4 everything.
Hanan - Thx sudi sbb jd teman study fira and for your help in da subjects.
Groupmate - TTS 7 da best.
Jiran depan rumah - Tempat bertanya, tempat jalan2 kalo boring time study...Thx girls.
Current song : Andai Kutahu - Ungu
Khamis, 19 November 2009
Membilang Hari
Rabu, 18 November 2009
ku temui ketenangan bila bersamanya.
To you, thanks a lot, for making me smile again, and again.
U're such a wonderful friend.
Current song : Bagaikan Puteri - Farra
Selasa, 17 November 2009
Let go.
Fira tgh pk mcm2.
Dan mmg sgt tidak okay.
I'm avoiding you.Tapi u mesti tak tau.I cannot go on wif these.Rs bersalah yg amat sgt.Tapi fira bukan seorang yg kuat dan tabah mcm org laen bile tbe perkara2 mcm nie.Dea da tak boleh pk ape lagi yg rational tuk selesaikan mslh sndrik.*Nasihat org pndai,haha*Dea rsa ini jalan penyelesaian terbaek untuk diri sendri dan org2 sekeliling dea.So dat nobody will get hurt.
Treat me as ur fwend.Dat is all i want.Nothing more.Tapi u xbleh.U have changed a lot.
Btw,Kamu, thanks a lot for everything.
*Sweet memories*
Current song: When You're Gone-Avril Lavigne
Specially for...
A very special GOOD LUCK wish for my beloved brother, Muhammad Akif in his SPM tomorrow.
And not forgotten, my beloved nephew *haha*...Syed Shafwan...
All da best guys!
Korang jgn cuak wey.Relaks suda.Huhu.
Kami di sini mendoakan kalian selalu.
And to all candidates all around Malaysia...Good Luck!
Sabtu, 14 November 2009
::~ my last post~::
i promise u~bsb
ouh3...sgt cdey..esk tepat kul 11.15 pagi..aku akan
berangkat ke tanah johor.
aku g menunaikan kewajipan aku sebagai seorang pelajar~
huwaaaa...cdey uhh..
cyes jauh di dasar hati ku ini..
sangat mls na g sane..kalo diikut an aty..
nak je aku ponteng..
tp bile d fikirkan...
aku ni kne s2dy..huhu..
korg doakan kejayaan aku ekk..hehe...
aku mngepost entry ini dgn penuh berat tangan,berat hati n sume2...
tp cuti raye haji ni lagi brape mnggu je agy...cuti 4 ary je..
nak balik,tanak balik,nak balik,tanak balik,nak balik,....
kalo ikowt an mk ayh aku..dorg suh balik
p aku tau...dorg suh aku balik tu sbb...
1st...rndu an aku, suh aku tlg kemas umah,
3rd...dorg ade plan utk dijayakan..cuz plan tu x mnjadi sejak raye puasa ary tu..
ade je alasan aku utk men~fail kan plan dorg tu..hua3~
looks like lps nie aku x ley lari la..tkpe2..
t aku pk an plan jahat aku lg~..hak3
akan ku lari dr mu sejauh yg boleh..huk3...
duk chat ngan fiera nie..tibe2 rindu org kate
"CHAIYOK2!!" "AJA2 FIGHTING!!"..kat aku..
dulu an...kalo aku cdey ke perlu an smangat ke..
msti angel aku ckp g2..huhu..
skunk sume da bz~...
rindu semue org...
where is everybody~..haizzzz...
ok la guys..aku da tatau na kate pe..
na g tdo..esk na kne bngun awl..
naek bas..n one more thing..aku x bwk lap kowt g sane.. aku x on9 la ekk..hak3...
::my hero::
my friend keep asking me to wrote bout my hero on our blog~
keluang man~
yg nie hero aku time kecik2 dulu..even dye ni asl2 org x btol..
tp aku ttp suke dye..dye ade teman yg kecik uhh..nme dye tiung man..
huk3..aku egt lg lagu dye..hahaha...lawak kan??
bg aku dye idop lam dunia btol..
cuz kecik2 dulu kalo aku ngs msti ayh aku pujuk aku...
abg aku suke usik aku msti ayh aku pujuk..
meh kluang man na pukul abg~...huhu..akan ku simpan memori ini selamanya~
nmpak lg mngarut kan?? kesah dye cm nie..Bile kitorg masuk primary skul..
aku ngan abg aku da x bnyak gado..kitorg bnyak share
minat kitorg..bnde yg abg aku minat tu la yg aku minat..
so kitorg pakat2 na minat bnde yg sme..time tu..
kitorg suke sgt hero2 yg ngarut nie..hurmmm...
tp beza nye aku suke spiderman...cuz ley pnjat2 bngunan..kalo aku nak
g jln2 senang je..xde risiko na kne langgar ngan pa pe..
tp abg aku suke superman..kate nye memandangkan dye suke pilot..
dye na terbang..pastu suke superman..tah pa pe ade kene mngena gak r..
huk3..aku slalu kate kat abg aku..ala..t superman kne lnggar ngan plane..
satu ary tu family aku g skayu..skali tu aku lemas kat sane..
tp org first yg try slamat an aku..bukan la pak cik aku..kezen aku or ayh aku..
tp abg aku..ley x korg bayang an..dgn umo dye yg lbey kurang aku je..tua staun je..
saiz dye pown lbey kurang aku je..huhu..
tp dye na slamat an aku dr lemas..bile aku tny skunk..nape dulu dye na slamat an aku..
kate nye superman msti r na slamat an org..
n time tu dye just pk..tanak aku mati~..sweet kan??..that is my bro..
Mohd Alias..Ayah aku~
Dulu time kecik2 aku x pnah na sdar pengorbanan ayh aku..Tp bile aku masuk secondary school..Aku sedar..Even sehebat mne pown hero kat dlm tv tu..Ayah aku lg hebat..
Ayh aku bnyak sabar ngan kerenah kitorg..Tp ayh aku x pnah naik suara ngan kitorg..
Bile kitorg ngs ayh la org first yg kesat air mate kami..bile kami majok..ayh la org first yg dtg kiss pipi kitorg..bile kitorg kne mrh ngan mak..ayh la org first yg bg kami sweet..
bile kitorg perlu an duet..Ayh la org yg paling risau..Mne na cri duet..Ayh aku bukan cm ayh org laen..Ade pndapatan ttp..Ayh aku akan keje bile ade keje..Kitorg senang nie pown brkat keje kuat ayh n mak yg suke smpan duet utk mse ssh..Skunk aku sedar..Ayh aku la hero yg paling hebat yg pnah aku jumpe~..::smpai skunk kalo aku cdey ayh still kiss pipi aku ttp cdey..cuz aku tatau smpai bile aku akan duk ngan ayh aku..ayh aku sakit..
tp still ley bertahan..even dye sakit..dye ttp acct cm dye kuat..dye tanak ssh an kitorg..
Sbb tu aku blaja kat matrik~..aku na jd dokt..aku na ubat ayh aku..huhu..sayang ayh::
Urm..Aci x aku na nme an dye..angel~
Huhu..nme nye dirahsiakan utk kebaikan ekk..Huhu..
Dulu aku egt a** la yg ley jd hero aku..
Bnyak tlg aku..kurang an beban aku..
Tp last2 aku x sngke dye la beban aku sbenarnye...aku makin terbeban ngan dye..
aty aku..prasaan aku..parents aku..
tp angel aku bnyak sdar an aku..
aku x patot taruh harapan kat a**..angel aku bnyak tlg aku..
epy an aku bile aku cdey..risau an aku bile aku diam..
tenang an aku bile aku gelabah..
aku slalu cari dye kalo parents aku xde dcc..
aku bnyak brgantung ngan dye..dye r the only one yg sudi jd kwn aku..x kesah spe aku..make my bday become really special~..huhu..
p aku xley trlalu brgantung ngan dye..
dye perlu an idop dye gak..xkan r na jd angel aku je...kan3?? skunk nie aku bnyak mntak maaf ngan dye..huhu..
Aku da bnyak ssh an idop org..idop dye pown msti ade pblem gak..
xkan aku na tmbah ngan pblem n sifat bdk2 aku'll try my best!!!!..huhu..thx angel cuz slame nie bnyak tlg aku!!!!
fiera bukan la my hero or anything..dye gak bukan la manusia luar biasa..
dye pown duk list yg paling bwh lam list hero aku..
cuz fiera bukan KAWAN BAIK AKU!!..Fiera bukan cm org laen..
slalu ade bile aku prlu an she know every single thing bout me..
always be with me no matter who i am..dye tau sume pblem aku..
dye pndengar aku yg paling setia..dr dulu agy..n aku start kwn ngan fiera..16/2..
hurm..kalo diikutkan..aku ngan fiera da dekat 3 taun kawan..p kitorg still be bestfriend..
n ikatan persahabatn kami makin kuat!!!..
that all bout my hero..aku sayang sume hero aku...n my besties!!!...
Jumaat, 13 November 2009
Mimpi yang sgt buruk.
Oh, it's not dat bad.
Tak pernah terpikir untuk bermimpi sebegitu.
Fira da tak nak pikir pasal suma nie.
Sungguh susah la berperang dengan hati sendiri.
I dont want to live with the memories.
Taaakkk Nakkk!!!!
p/s: Nak my Angel!!! Kamu mana?
Current song : Missing You - 1st Lady
::we as a besties::
hallo semue...hehe...
ni nenek da chat nie..huhu..
na crite kat korg semue..haa..yg tu..tu..nak ke mn..
duduk2..nenek baru na start cerito nie..
lps je kitorg baek balik..
ade la mate2 yg nak terkeluar bile tgk kitrog jln sme2..
pimpin tgn..
lps tu baru la kami sedar yg persahabatan kitorg nie
1000x lagi brmakne dr mne2 ikatan..
sbb tu la smpai skunk nenek setia ngan aty nenek..
nenek nak a** je...
tp jodoh nenek ngan a** mybe x smpai..skunk nie
nenek pndam je sume tu..
dye xpnah tau sedlm mne nenek syg dye..
skunk nie mybe dye jauh an diri dr nenek..
mybe cuz crite2 psl nenek dulu kowt..
tkpe la..da xde jodoh..
n now..nenek just setia ngan ikatan prsahabatn nenek ngan fiera je
xkan ade yg ley ganti tu..
nenek lagi rela ilang a** dr ilang fiera..
but who noe deep into my hear...kan3??
but wat i can says noe..
i love this relationship..
Rabu, 11 November 2009
::No more tears::
Hey there..
Ary nie atok na crite cm ne nenek ley baek balik ngan kwn baek dye..huhu
* ne lak boleh atok yg na crite psl nenek nie??*
(haaa...nenek nenek suh atok yg critokan kesah nenek zaman mudo2 dulu..6t kito poe lawat nenek yo)
Begini kesah nye..Oleh kerana terlalu banyak program yg di buek tp x dapek na baek kan 2 org sahabat nie..
Akhirnya..Guru kesayangan mereka nie dapat satu idea..
Di satu malam yang tenang..Tanpa di sangka2 oleh duo rang sahabat nie..
lepas solat isyak felo dorg pown memulakan kalimah nye..
*word felo digunakan ats permintaan nenek ye..atok ikot aje..*
berbalik kps crite td..
fello dorg pun berkate..
"memandangkan perperiksaan hampir tiba..dan kite nie masih bnyak kesalahan sesame harap mlm nie kita dpt bermaaf-maafan..x kire lah yg bermusuhan ke yg dah sedia baek nak kamu salam gak..dan mitak maaf sepenuh hati awk..lps nie awk semua nie akan berpecah dah..semue bawak haluan masing2..yg berjaya..berjaya lah..yg tak tu..insyaallah..ade jalan utk kamu..allah tu maha tahu..
saya nak kamu buat bulatan skarang..ttp lampu ye..
baeklah..skarang bayang kan org yg paling kamu benci duk depan kamu..
*haaa...maso tu..nenek kome nie..pejam la yg dio bayangkan..kamu tau la sapo..
x laen dan x bkn fiera lah..hua3..uhuk3*
ehem2..batuk la pulak...kito sambung tuo bercerito nie..banyak masalah ckit..da tuo la atok nie..tuo2 masih kuat lai..haaa..jgn tokojut..
lps tu..fello dorg pown duk cakap.."ape yg kamu nak buat pd org yg kamu benci tu mlm nie..bla..blaa..mlm nie lah..kamu buat je ape yg kamu na buat..jgn bertumbuk akan tnggal kamu semue ye..mlm nie xyah s2dy.."..pot pet pnye pot pet..habis la kata2 aluan dr fello mrk ye..
mako bermulo lah sesi bermaaf maafan antaro mrk nie..
tp nenek kome dgn fiera nie koreh hati..heiii..ssh btol la..
lps tu..habis semue mintak maaf...xde yg tertinggal pon..
lps tu..ade lah hamba2 allah yg perasan nie..
mrk pun berbisik sesame sndiri..meh nak list nme2 mrk..
*quratul aini,sharifah humairah,fatihah,ainaa,fatin,naimah,syaida,aisah,azreen, n semua kru2 yg berkaitan ye..*
atok dah lupo namo2 dorg noe..ramai sgt..kalo tny nenek kome pon..for sure mure la dye lon x egt..hak3...sory ye darling..hihi..
mako mrk2 yg berkumpul mmbuat halaqah x rasmi nie..merancang satu plan yg agak gempak gempak sengal..
dorg pown membahagi kan sesama sndiri membentuk duo kumpulan..10 org satu group...
satu poe kat nenek kamu..satu lg poe kat fiera..
maka terjadilah..sesi pujuk memujuk antara 20 org nie ngan duo makhluk nie..msing2 keras hati..xnk gerak..
antara kata2 mrk utk melembut kan hati duo makhluk nie..
"iqin s sdr ke..jgn la gado sbb bnde nie..buang mase je.."
"fiera x syg ke kwn mg tu..korg rapat gle dah..xkan r smato mato sbb nie korg nak jadi musuh."
"korg sdar x..kite ade ckit je lagi mase nak same..lps nie psah x syg ke kwn mg.."
"tlg la lmbutkan hati korg nie..jgn gak keras ngat..lpsn nie kite semua xkan dpt same dah..korg x cdey ke"..
make terdengarlah tangisan sana majlis org mati lak atok dongar..ish3..begitulah kerasnye hati 2 makhluk nie..mako yg 10 org tu..menolak makhluk 2 org nie..yg laen tgh duduk sembang2 ngs2 di tepi2 tu pown turut sme menolong..menarik budak berduo tu ketongah surau..rupe2 nye sorg duk utara sorg duk selatan..hujung surau tuuuu....ish3..betapo dorg nie xnk nye bermaaf-maafan..ego!!!
bilo da bertemu duo dunio tu..masing2 tunduk je..p ngs!!!..ramai gilo yg duk kerumu dorg semut urung gulo..haaaa..
oleh kerane semua geram sgt..dek perangai duo org nie..masing2 mengambil keputusan na salam kan tgn dorg..dah ssh sgt bg nchat xnk dgr..trok2..
mako mrk pown memegang tgn fiera n
NO RESPON!!!...Ish3...ssh sungguh la..kalo diikutkan hati mrk nie..nak je hempuk fiera ngn iqin nie..ntah pe la yg ssh ngat salam tu..
Lopeh tu..smuo yg ado ngs.rase2nye..ado la dlm 40 org duk kerumu dorg nie...duo org nie duk tongah2..haaa..padan muko..ramai la yg ngs..pastu mintak dorg baek balik..mcm2 bnde la masuk lam telingo nenek kamu tu..
akhirnya..hati dorg pown cair...masing2 salam balik..pastu peluk2..lamo gilo dorg duk peluk g2..yg laen semua makin trok ngs..ish3..ade yg teresak2..ade yg mmg da parah..huhu..lps tu smue ucap syukur..cuz perang dunio da tamat...lps tu..semuo yg ado kat c2 peluk dorg 2 org..kirenye mcm acara maen ragbi..smue duk rebut bola kat tengah..yg laen nye dorg nie..2 org tu kat tengah..smue yg ade duk peluk dorg..make same2 la berpelukkan..mlm tu acara paling gemilang dorg semua mkn same2..hua3..
mlm tu merupakan mlm yg agak membahagiakan semua org yg ade..dan paling banyak air mate yg tumpah..
Last..iqin n fiera janji tu merupokan perang prtama n terakhir dorg..hua3...yeayyy..
akhirnya..dorg makin nenek pergadohan tu mematangkan more tears lps nie..kes tu bnyak mngajar nenek..huk3..
itu la serbo sedikit kesah nenek yg atok nak smpaikan..huk3..
sekian..kepado nenek yg terlantar sakit kat hospital tu..harap2 copek smbuh la yo..
chow sin chiii~
'atok' iqin[fiera]
Selasa, 10 November 2009
Songs of My Life
..:the worse time:..
Even kitorg nie sgt =2 rapat..kitorg pnah mngalami perpecahan yg sgt dasyat..
aku egt lagi..
time tu aku form 5
dekat na exam lak tu..
critenye gnie..
tibe2 an..fiera ngan syaida mengalami masalah..pblem nye..
asl2 cm nie...
pe ntah yg syaida sebut..dan ia mengguris aty fiera..
then jd la perang first lam group kitorg..
aku ngan skien try r damaikan masing2 keras..huh..geram tol aku..huhu
x lame lps tu..kes aku lak yg kene..ade la sorg bdk bilik aku time kat dahimah nie..
bwk mulut..mngatakan aku ade afair ngan ****..geram sngguh aku time tu..
bdk tu g bwk crite..kate aku jumpe **** mlm tu..hadula..
acct mmg la aku jumpe dye..
p just fiera je yg tau nape..
pastu..di takdirkan
mlm tu aku tatau spe yg maen nset ****
dye g anta msg jiwang2 kat aku..
da la aku stress ngan bnde g2 agy...pastu dye maen2 g2 lak..
aku pown crite la kat fiera smbil ngs...acct aku bukan ngs cuz **** anta msg ckp ngarut..
tp aku ngs cuz ade org bwak crite aku jumpe ngan mangkuk tu..
maka busuk la name aku yg mmg da busuk tu..
aku pown ngs la...
time tu fiera da cm laen ngan aku..
mybe dye bgg kowt..aku tatau nape fiera lancar an perang dingin ngan aku time tu..
aku pown ngadu la kat skien..
aku harap ngat skien ley tlg..cuz time tu
just skien je yg go on ngan sume2..
then skien kate..
"fiera ade crite psl au**..mybe dye takowt kesah tu berulang kembali..dye takowt mg rampas ****.."
faham la aku kesah yg sbenarnye..mlm tu terok aku ngs..
yg jadi saksi aku ngs malam tu..roomate aku SYAFIQAH SALLEH n SHARIFAH HUMAIRAH..
Dorg sme2 duk pujuk aku..aku luah sume kat dorg..
Aku rase cm down gile2..Aku x sangke jd g2...
Hampir tiap2 mlm aku ngs..esk bangun mate bengkak..
Tp time tu ade sorg yg sangat dekat ngan aku..Bg smangat kat aku..suh aku tabah..egt allah..suh aku doa bnyak2..suh aku tnggu pk setiap bnde yg aku na uat..SHARIFAH HUMAIRAH N ADILAH..
Tp dilah tatau pa pe..Dye just tau bg nchat je..
P shepoh..Bnyak ngat..dye tau sume...N dye mmg da tau yg sume nie jd kes slh faham..
Aku ase spanjang perang tu an bnyak kali skul wat majlis xde satu pown kate2 org tu ley lembut an aty aku supaya mintak maaf ngan fiera..
Nak2 lak skien kate..fiera mmg anti gile ngan aku..
pastu skien kate fiera ngan **** da baek balik..
pastu skien kate fiera dgr sume kate bdk tu..
N one night **** kol aku..dye kate we need to talk..
ok fine aku ckp ngan dye..
Dye mrh2 aku lak..Da la kes kene kawen tu bukan aku yg nak
pastu dye kate aku yg sebar bnde tu..
pastu dye kate...dye xpnh pown anta msg plik2 kat aku..
plik maknenye kwn dye la yg msg aku mlm tu..hmmm
aku maafkan..
tp..aku geram sgt..sume kesalahan dye letak ats bahu aku..
hadula..aku sgt geram..
pernah ke dye pk pe yg aku tanggung..
tiap2 mlm aku ngs trok gile..cuz aku ilang org yg rapat ngan aku..
slame 2 bulan aku musuh ngan org yg aku sayang dgn sbb yg aku sndiri confius..
aku kene kutuk ngan budak laki..
dorg kate aku nie kwn baek sndiri na rampas..
ngan aku gado ngan akim nye...ngan dauh..
da r time yg aku uat sume x kene..
aku malu gle..tiap kali aku lalu dpn budak laki..
msti dorg tgk slack..AKU MALU!!!..
lps tu aku tross x ley tgk muke fiera..kalo aku ade kat mn2..
kalo aku nmpak muke dye msti aku lari..even time tu aku nga mkn..
mmg aku jenis lari dr pblem aku ngaku..
tp aku xkan lawan org yg paling aku syg!!..
na tau cm ne kitorg ley satu balik..tngguu..haha
song-i hate that i love you
Tadi lepas penat blogging.
Pegi rehat.Sembang2 dgn my parents.
And they talked bout my grandpas.
Mcm mana boleh keluar topik nie pun ak tatau.
Aha.Dan tbe2 sebak,
I never met them.
I never know da feeling of having a grandpa.
They passed away before i was born.
Nak jugak rase ade datuk.
Mesti best.
Tok ayah...
Datuk sblh ayah.
Ayah kate dea grg time ayh kecik2. dgn cucu2 dea baek.
and dea sgt kerja keras.
Smpai ank2 dea suma akhirnya berjaya hari ini.
Sungguh bangga ak dpt datuk mcm nie.
Tok wan.
Datuk sblh mak.
Orgnye tggi, kurus.
Adik ku yg sorg tu mcm mewarisi cket2 la..
Pendiam.Tapi sgt la garang.
Ehe.Cikgu la katekan.
Tp kalo dea skt, tade org tau.
Sbb dea tahan sorg2.skt sorg2.
Smpai la dea da jth suma, bru org tau dea sbnrnye skt.
Xnk sshkan org laen kot.
Semoga roh mereka dicucuri rahmat.Amiin.
..::i found u::..
Hello sume..hehe...
Haa..nie nenek na crite psl nenek ley knal kwn baek nenek lak..huhu
ouh3..asl lak tibe aku jd nenek nie..huhu
One day ade sorg bdk baru yg masuk skul aku..
n aku dpt tau she is a gurl!!!..hehe..tu yg aku exited tu..
dpt kwn lg!!!
at the first time aku dpt tau fiera will be in my class..
aku sgt2 excited..nak2 lg duk tepi aku..hehe..sgt best..
" iqin..awk??"
"ooo..awk dr skul ane??"
"al-mashor pulau pinang"
"al mashor pulau pinang!"
haha..masalah aku bukan la masalah loading ckit nme skul dye uhh..hik3
'ok class...awk smue boley rehat..urm..kepada student yg baru masuk skul kite harap awl smue ley bg tnjuk ajar la kat dorg..jgn rosak kan dorg sudah..'
kate cg class kitorg smbil tersenyum..
aku ngan fiera saling berpandangan kemudian tersenyum..huhu...
"syaida3!!..budak baru tu masuk kelas aku..jom kite g rehat ngan dye.."
"laaa...dye masuk kelas mg..ok..ok..aku bab..bab tmbah kwn nie no hal..jom..cian gak kat dye..
msti dye cm kite mule2 dulu..xde kwn..huhu.."
lantas aku pown berkate..
"fiera3!! syaida..dye pown bdk baru gak..hehe"
"hai..aku syaida!!..huhu...meh r jadi kwn kitorg..sme2 bdk baru nak?"
perghhh...syaida nie mmg na tubuh an kelab ke ape..haha..straight tuuuu...haha...xde ias2 langsung..tross ajak jd kwn kitorg..cyap ajak jd kwn baek tuu..haha
tah pa pe r..
p aku suke!!!!
jd la kami nie 3 sekawan..hua3...g mn2 pown bersame je..syaida yg paling tomboy..
aku..lps tu baru fiera..haha..
kitorg jd kawan baek smpai la skunk..aku x sngke..last2 aku jumpe gak kwn yg btol2 kwn aku..
dorg trime baek buruk aku..bukannye aku x pnah gado ngan dorg..aku pnah gado sgt2 i'm glad..we been friends again..
aku syukur episode aku crite cm ne aku ley gado..hua3...
..::first time i meet u::..
Once upon a time..there is a kid name iqin..
Dye nie sangat lemah..
lebey kepada xde arah tujuan..
dye x pnah rase di hargai..
mybe cuz her attitude yg agak terlalu kebudak-budakan
yg berjaye mmbuat an org sekeliling nye really2 irritated ngan dye nie..
she is the annoying person that i ever know..
One day dye dpt berite yg sgt mngembirakan..
Then she move to IMTIAZ DUNGUN~
School sblm nie skul bese je..kat umah..hua3..
lepas 4 hari dye mnetap di sane..ade la sorg hamba allah nie..
baru masuk time tu aku ngan syaida jd declare jd bestfriend..
kesah nye gnie..
iqin : 'wei syaida..ko tanak g kelas mandarin ke??..
syaida: 'tanak kr aku..aku na uat keje skul nie..luse da kne anta..'
iqin: ooo..ala...aku na g sane..hurm..tkpe la klo ko tanak g..aku g sorg je..huhu
syaida:ooo..wei ko kan budak baru tu..sme r ngan aku..aku pown bru masuk cnie gak..aku asl
imtiaz besut..wei ko ley bla x ngan peraturan cnie..
iqin: a dr skul bese..hehe..huh??..hehe..benonye aku ssh ckit na go on ngan rules la..sblm nie aku trok..
syaida:eh2 sme la kite..haha..ade gak geng aku..jom r aku teman ko g klas gak aku
nak s2dy mlm nie..
iqin: yeayyy..thx..hurmm..syaida..ko ade kwn x kat cnie..??i mean kwn bek??
syaida: x..aku x knal sorg pown cnie..cdey ngat..sblm nie..aku ade kwn dye x
dye pnda..
iqin: oooo...tkpe la..kite sme2 la bertahan kat cnie..huhu..ok??..
syaida: urmm..promise??..
iqin: x kire pa pe pown jd..even bnde tu memalukan..aku xkan tnggal ko kat cnie sorg2..promise!
aku n syaida terdiam uat seketika..
iqin n syaida : kite jd kawan baek nak??!!
( x sngke kitorg ley pk bnde yg sme lam satu mse..n asked for that in da same time!!)
iqin n syaida: ok!! bestfriend for ever n ever!!!
begitu la serba sdikit kisah yg mmbuatkan kami jd kwn baek..lps tu kitorg berpelukan smbil ngs tengah2 org..yg nmpak perbuatan kami tu tunjuk muke plik kat kitorg..
tp kitorg tayang muke sposen je..peduli ape..yg penting kami epy!!
lps tu..kecoh la aku ngan syaida jd kwn baek..hurm..
seminggu lepas tu ade lg sorg budak baru yg register kat skul kami..
aku ngan syaida usha2 la..spe bdk tu..
nme dye fiera!!...
aku egt lagi.. cm ne kesah nye..kesah tu bersambung next episode la yerkk..haha..aku ase cm pnjang sgt je entry nie..haha..
current song: never be replaced
iqin [fiera]
My Heroes
1. Nurzatul Asyiqin
:: Kawan terhebat
:: She knows every single thing bout me, walaupun sebesar particle :P
:: Jauh di mata, dekat di hati
2. Mior Azrai
- Kawan cari gado dan bertekak ari2
- Kawan tempat ak cerita mcm2, buat lwk tah pape :D
- Selalu menceriakan hari2 ku
3. Farahatun Nabilah
:: My roomate :)
:: Makcik nie sgguh care psl ak...ang syg ak an? haha
:: Slalu kne buli dgn ak...tapi kdg2 ak pown kne buli jugak ;p
4. Shariffah Fatimah
- Kenal mase form 1, ms zmn mude2 dlu..haha
- Sgguh pndai loyar bruk, buli ak la tue...hee
- Dea pggl ak 'moyang'...ade ke ptot? haiya!
5. Aminah Hanani
:: My roomate :)
:: Semakin ayu dari hari ke hari ble bkwn dgn kitaowg..haha
:: Pndai masak...tadi bru berjaya masak asam pedas pari...hua3
6. Nur Asikin
- My roomate jugak
- Suke buli kami yg lagi tiga nie...mcm ade tanduk ats kpala dea..haha
- Tapi kalo dea tade, umah sunyi laa..
7. Abdul Zharif
:: Teman yg boleh share eveything...sadness n happiness..
:: He's always there when i need him
:: Jadi kawan dea atas sebab yg sgt pelik :p
8. Nadirah
- She knows me well
- Kawan bergelak ketawa, kawan masa susah juga :)
- Matured cket dr ak kot.haha
9. Norlina
:: Kwn yg sgt la baek dgn ak mase kt aigs dlu :)
:: She taught me to love nature...bulan, pokok bagai...haha...
:: Secretive, tp dengan ak...dea kurang cket...ak pndai pjuk suh btau..ekeke
10. Sharifah Azizah
- Slalu kena buli dgn kitaorg.haha
- Tapi kalo time dea mengusik ak, sama naek je ngn timah.Hee!
- Manja kot.Jgn mara aa jah... :D
11. Nur Ruzaina
:: Dengan ak sgt la byk ble jumpe rmai2..sungguh senyap..
malu2 plak dea! haha
:: Pndai pjuk ak suh cte rahsia ak...ceit!
:: She's funny..really2 funny.Haha
12. Sharifah Humairah
- Penguat semangat ketika ak sungguh down dlu
- She's my crying shoulder
- Nyanyi lagu 'Sebuah Pertemuan dekat ak...Sungguh terharu :p
~ Kepada yang tak termasuk dalam senarai, korang tetap kawan aku. Once u're my fwend, u'll always be my fwend!
Current song: Nothing Gonna Change My Love For You - Glenn Madeiros
::..You are not alone..::
this song are just to fiera..
yg laen jgn na prasan!!!~..haha
what ever ur have make..
n whatever u have done to me..u r not alone dear~
Another day has gone, I'm still all alone
How could this be you're not here with me
You never said goodbye, someone tell me why
Did you have to go and leave my world so cold?
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone, for I am here with you
Though you're far away, I am here to stay
But you are not alone, for I am here with you
Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart
But you are not alone
'Lone, 'lone, why, 'lone
Just the other night, I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come and hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers, your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand then forever can begin
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone, for I am here with you
Though you're far away, I am here to stay
But you are not alone, for I am here with you
Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart
For you are not alone
Oh whisper three words and I'll come runnin'
And I, and girl you know that I'll be there, I'll be there
You are not alone, for I am here with you
Though you're far away, I am here to stay
You are not alone, for I am here with you
Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart
You are not alone, for I am here with you
(You are not alone)
(I am here with you)
Though you're far away, I am here to stay
(Though you're far away)
(You and me)
For you are not alone, for I am here with you
(You are always in my heart)
Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart
Isnin, 9 November 2009
Aku sudah give up!!!
Sedey pown ade.
Iqin tau kenapa. [Iqin, shut up! Haha]
Tp org laen xtau.
Sungguh laa..
Memang ak xboleh ubah keadaan yang sedia ada kembali macam dulu.
Ak tade kuasa ape2..
Insan yg lemah *wakaka*
P/s: Entry ini ditulis dengan huruf yg lebih besar kerana ketidakpuashatian yg amat tinggi okay?
Current song: Barriers - David Archuletta
..:the end:..
I been think 4 a long time without thingking of my heart
n anyone heart..
i juat noe tat i wanna do the best dcision..
and i think it is the best dcision 4 everyone..
This is the end of our friendship.
i cant be ur friend..
there is someone else should be ur friend n0t me..
i'm sorry 4 everthing..really3 sorry..i didnt noe tat everthing tat
i try to help u r sucks..
from now and forever..
hope u will always happy
Jangan Tanya!!!
Sabtu, 7 November 2009
This is the greatest birhday that i ever have~
On 4th november 2009 there is an alone kid name iqin~
Stay alone in her room without friends,family and special person..
Just listening a song 'u are not alone' by micheal jackson~
So sad huh..
Tp tibe2 handphonye menyanyikan lagu yg x diketahui nme nye..hua3
ouh3...Rupen2 nye reminder..
..Wow..Aku da lupe!! Da masuk kul 12 upenye..
Lantas aku pown dgn spantas kilat menaip msg~
"Umar3!!..Happy Birthday!!..Make a wish3!!"
Huhu..x smpai brape minit lepas tu..
Fon aku bunyi lagu 'umbrella'..
ouh3..dengan penuh terkezut nye aku bc nme yg tertera kat skrin fon aku..
"my angel"..
plik gak aku..Asl la my angel kol aku lak nie..Ade pblem ke..
(kih3..sory ekk my angel..aku slalu pk plik2 psl ko!!"..hua3
ouh3...sory siaran tergendala sebentar..haha
Aku pown angkat fon tu dgn penuh debaran!!
"Woitt..Cm ne bdk 18 taun da.."
(ade ke patot dye pnggil aku budak!!..Aku baru je masuk 18 taun..Mangkuk tol..)
"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to iqin..
Happy birthday to you~"
aku terdiam tnpa kate buat
my angel n his friend wish to me!!
Time aku ase cm xde kwn keliling aku na wish n nyanyi ramai2 kat aku on my birthday
my angel make really nice suprise to me!!!
Even ko pnggil aku budak td..Aku ttp ngs kegembiraan cuz ko da uat cm aku ase
kwn2 aku ade ngan aku..
Really love that!!!!!
Lps je my angel kol..
Org yg paling special lam idop aku kol~
"hye dear..
Happy birthday to u,happy birthday to u,happy birthday to iqin..happy birthday to u..
smoga pnjang umo,murah rezeki,,aku sayang kamoo"
Thx fiera!!!..Aku sayang mg gak!!..Aku x sngke mg kol aku time tu..Aku egt an mg da lupe..
Cuz sblm tu mg x msg pown aku..besenye lps maghrib mg msg aku..huhu...
Aku sayang mg!!!!!!...U will always been my really3 bestfriend!! mg org ke 3..kih3..
On my birthday i just wish..
1)my angel would be always happy..what ever his decision..n aku tanak tgk or dgr or anything yg cdey2 dr dye..
2)fiera will always be happy and lupekan sume kcdihan dye..i wish she will always happy with her life n xde lg org yg akan skt an dye..cuz aku syg dye..
3)for my first person yg wish kat aku!!!..Thx sooooooo much..sayang gle!!!..Dye bnyak bg aku nchat spanjang aku knal dye..tiap pblem aku msti dye kmbalikan aku pd yg satu~..dye slalu egt kan aku..yg aku ade tmpat nak mngadu setiap pblem aku kalo kwn aku x ley tlg solve kan pblem aku..aku arap dye bahagie smpai more tears..
p/s:thx bnyak2!! kat my angel!!! fiera!! n Kamoo!! agak cdey gak..cuz no lme aku rosak..aku tggu dye wish~someone name a**
Khamis, 5 November 2009
Shout out.
Isnin, 2 November 2009
Gosh!!!...what can i says now..
Gosh!!..i just can says that we as a fan of DBSK/TVXQ just
wanna wait chang min and yunho talk with their own mouth..
I cant believe yunho as a great leader be like this!!
How come he was on SM side..he is too irritated!!!
And i cant belive my chang min be like this..
I really hate him now!!!..
He shouldnt be on SM side..
Poor yoochun,Jajoong and xiah junsu..
Oh gosh..
I cant imagine if they were separete..
jaejoong nad yoochun have make their own group while yunho and chang min was
work under SHIT SM..then what will xiah junsu do??..
How wonder what will xiah,jea and yoouchun's decision..
will they back to SM or making their own group without chang min and yunho??..
to all fans DBSK i hope we will be patient and be on xiah,yoouchun and jae's side..
we hate SM!!!..
gosh!!! i hate SM!!
SM Entertainment will hold a press conference today regarding the conflict with TVXQ/DBSK/Tohoshinki.
Lawyers of SM Entertainment said:
“The court’s ruling for TVXQ is not fair. They didn’t consider the main reasons of the case. Their long contract is so that we can let them grow and have a long term deal with them. We want to look at their career in the long run and the court’s decision is not letting us do that. This is going to affect TVXQ’s international promotions. It’ll also create confusion for stars that want to have long term contracts and move on to bigger things later in their careers and for the companies that want to nurture talented people for a longer time. Not only that, it’ll have some unwanted consequences on exports of Korean music as well as other issues.”
They continued to say:
“Each year, we adjusted the contracts in favor of the members. Before this problem, the three members never complained about anything. Now that they have succeeded this much, they are complaining. They have just started to reach the top and now want to separate. Before a final decision is made, the three can do their personal and individual work. However, this does not grant the three members any rights as part of TVXQ.”
Yunho and Changmin of DBSK/TVXQ have stated that they are on SM Entertainment’s side on the legal dispute between the company and other three members.
They said that they trust SM Entertainment and will be with them in the future. The two also gave a deadline to the other members (Junsu, Yoochun, Jaejoong), saying that DBSK will come back to promote in Korea next spring, so the other three members must make a decision before the 12th of this month.
The two members’ thoughts were delivered through a document compiled by Yunho and Changmin themselves, which stated:
We five members of DBSK signed the same contract with the same clauses and for the past five years, and have worked together under same conditions with utmost trust in the company, each other and our dreams. We intend to share our dream and future with the company and keep the promises we made in the contract. DBSK was made by SME and we intend to work as DBSK with SME.
No other company can create DBSK, as only SME can provide the best production and management team available. The three members must know better than anyone else that SME is the one who knows DBSK the best and made DBSK the best. We intend to keep trust and promise and thus intend on staying with SME. DBSK’s grand future will be with SME. We believe that our Korean promotion, planned for next spring, should be prepared at least six months in advance before our future as one DBSK becomes unclear. If the other three members truly want to stay as one DBSK, they must make a decision before it is too late.
They also commented on the beauty product controversy which sparked this legal dispute between the DBSK trio and SM Entertainment:

The beauty product business changed everything. We are not familiar with the matters but we believe that a legitimate company that seeks to do business with DBSK must consult with SME first. It is common sense. We did not get involved as getting involved with a company that sought to do business without SME would have meant that trouble was ahead.
We did not want the reputation and pride of DBSK, earned by our hard work, to get ruined by a beauty product company that did not work in a legally respectable manner. We are not aware of the contract between that company and the three members, nor do we know what those members were told or how much they have earned through their deal. What we do know is that the fact that DBSK, forged together for 5 years by all of our dreams, has fallen into its current state because of an unethical company that is simply unacceptable.
With DBSK crumbling away like this, the current situation is unbelievable. It is sad to see that this was all caused by some beauty product company, and we hope that the three members would come back to the days when we were all working hard for our dreams.
Stay tuned to allkpop as the dispute develops between the two camps and make sureiqin[fiera]